Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Nevermind, Brain Surgery is Tomorrow

So, everyone... I must have jinxed myself because my surgery got moved to tomorrow instead of Thursday. A spot opened up and my doctor wants my surgery done as soon as possible. Not super excited, but I suppose it's better to get it done as soon as possible.

Here's some photos from the hospital blood prepping today! Don't I look so excited about the date change?

By the way, that's my hair in my face lol...

Anyway, this is probably my last blog. I'll try to write more tonight if I have time, but after that my family will be posting! Love you all, God bless and stay brave!


P.S. Jesse from University Hospital at the San Antonio Medical Center ROCKS! This is how we do it, Jesse ;) Stay cool!


  1. Replies
    1. Best of Luck Punkin ! You know the Best Surgeon will be in the operating room and that is God. You are going to be fine ! Keep all of us updated .God Bless and dream the winning lottery numbers while you are out.from another Texan with a seizure disorder ..

  2. I believe there must be a reason it is a day earlier...I believe that Papa is in control Amanda. You are His child and He will look upon you with tender, loving care. He loves you too much to delay the healing. Now, I will offer up prayers for my little cousin and will see you soon!!

  3. Good Luck! We will be praying for you!

  4. Angels Of Epilepsy Foundation sends our love, prayers, & best wishes! GOD is with you always....WE LOVE YOU MANDY!!!!

    Angels Of Epilepsy

  5. Aw Cousin Mandy... You are so Brave and Loved .. Praying for you every minute ... We all love you here in the Chi !!!

  6. We Love you in the Chi .. Cuz Mandy you are so brave and Loved deaarly .. stay strong in faith, you are in my prayrs ..


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