Monday, February 11, 2013

10 Days Until Brain Surgery - New Bedroom

10 days until brain surgery. I swear, days pass so quickly it isn't even funny. The Ativan has made today a little less stressful as far as my mood goes, though. However, it doesn't have enough power to kill my seizures. I have had about 200. I lost count around 1:00pm at 112 seizures.

They haven't all been huge. A lot of them were smaller staring seizures or Tonic Clonic seizures that didn't fully develop thanks to my medicine.

Most seizures today, however, were Complex Partial. Most annoying to me, personally.

Aside from seizures, my auras were happening every few seconds. In a minute, I counted 4. they would start and stop entirely, and then begin again. Made it so hard to do anything with hallucinations of colors, words, pictures, etc. everywhere.

I slept most of the day to avoid dealing with them directly. What's funny is I could even see them in my dreams. This isn't new, but I don't think I ever mentioned that this occured. And boy, it was so annoying that it would wake me up over and over. My sleep has gotten so light that I can tell I am asleep and notice these things. I was even able to wake myself up and tell my family I was about to have a seizure. (Thankfully the auras existed at all today, unlike at HEB yesterday...)

I have a new room, as you can see in the first photo. It's our old storage room downstairs. My parents moved my bed there so I don't have to walk up any stairs after surgery. Just to make things easier, I guess. Plus, it will give my tia and grandma somewhere to sleep when they arrive. Their bones aren't too good when it comes to stairs.

My tia, grandma, and cousin are coming in from Michigan to be with me through and after surgery. I'm glad because I have really needed someone to help strengthen me up a bit through prayer and hugs. My family always knows the right words or right bible verses to get me through anything. I actually prayed for weeks they would come, so God answered one prayer for me already.

Anyhow, I just wanted to give a small update. I'm exhausted and I need to get off before anymore seizures occur. Goodnight and God bless everyone.


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