Thursday, January 30, 2014

Today's Doctor Visit

Sitting in the room waiting to see my Dr. Szabo. Just spoke to my amazing Epilepsy Nurse, Janice. Always makes me laugh, somehow. Everything sounds good. I had no reported seizures to tell her about aside from 3 little auras over a 4 month period, which is fantastic compared to the 100 seizures and endless auras a day before brain surgery! 

The only things that worry me are my Onfi. A fantastic medication that saves people who suffer from seizures in their sleep. Lessening chances of SUDEP (Sudden Unexplained Death in Epilepsy). This drug has caused tightening of my throat to the point where swallowing food is impossible without water... At least I think it's the pill's fault. We'll see.

I am also very worried about my ridiculous lack of sleep. It's throwing me off mentally and physically. Looks like I will have to sadly be put back on a higher dosage of Ambien for a while to avoid the seizures returning. After all, every aura so far has been due to lack of sleep. All occurred on days where I didn't sleep until 3-5:00 AM. 

My panic attacks are lessening, which is good. I definitely do not recommend acne medications to anyone who has Epilepsy. They mess with hormones and in turn cause your body more stress than it needs. However, I am glad I took the pill, as it helped me understand why I have had cold hands and feet since brain surgery. Basically my body's way of fighting depression an anxiety. Mini panic attacks that did not win!!! (At least until I took the acne meds lol!)

Check out my awesome rash! No idea what it is from, though. Possibly the Cedar trees. But I've honestly never had this before. It just hit me yesterday and it looks awful!!! It could also be some sort of skin yeast infection. My mum recently had this issue... Contagious?! 

Anyhow, I shall be off. I will write again after my follow up with my Psychologist, Dr. Velez,  this next week. Her appointment will be interesting, as usual. God bless and I wish you all a seizure-FREE weekend!!! 

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