Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Bedside Mapping - Out of Body Experience

Today was the bedside mapping test... Totally insane!!! I did get electrocuted a bit in the face, and that hurt really bad. But I didn't mind because it was an awesome experience that I am truly blessed just to have been able to experience. I actually had an out-of-body experience and although I was laying down, I found myself actually looking down at my own body!!! The doctors doing the mapping found that to be so interesting and got rather excited about that result. This has happened before near the onset of some seizures, but it was weird because I felt so much more awake and I could see myself much more clearly. What an amazing experience! My doctors completed this mapping using different machines with signals. Here is a page that explains mapping a little more in depth: Note that my mapping was done in my hospital room and not on the operation table. I'm not sure why this out-of-body experience is intriguing me so much, but I can't get it out of my mind. Such a crazy thing to feel!!! Something I will definitely always remember and I am very excited to have been able to go through these tests and learn just how powerful the human brain really truly is. The mapping itself truly makes me want to do work like these doctors in the future. Whether it be the same old art therapy for Epilepsy patients that I originally wanted to pursue, or maybe even get into the actual medical field! Anyhow, this hospital stay has been insane. I am so happy to have made it through this far. I've had a handful of "Oh crap - is this normal?" moments both during the in-depth EEG and the mapping exercises. I felt like the doctors couldn't give the straightest answers or explanations to me until an hour or two after the mapping was finished. Altogether, the testing lasted about 4.5 hours - didn't feel like it, but that's what the clock showed! I also found out that my doctors are familiar with many of the blogging doctors, including the beloved Lance Fogan, Clinical Professor of Neurology at the David Geffen School of Medicine, UCLA. One of my doctors actually remembers going out for Chinese food with him when she was back at UCLA. Lance Fogan is an awesome guy with plenty of amazing knowledge to share, so be sure to check out his website if you haven't already! My brain surgery is tomorrow at 7:00am, so please keep me in your prayers because I truly need it. My surgeon explained that I have a 50% chance of losing 100% seizures... THIS IS GOOOD... GREAT NEWS!!! However, I am estimated to lose ability to read slightly and I am estimated to be unable to remember lists. But I am not going to claim these changes because the good Lord is going to carry me through this journey, just as He did this entire last week. And for now I need to eat some dinner and get some rest as my thinking is a little slow and worn from the mapping.


  1. Still praying for you and your family. Hoping to hear results very soon.

  2. It'd an Aural Projection. A lot of people have them while sleeping and then wonder why they're exhausted in the morning. I have petit mal and complex partial epilepsy but I've never had an outer body. I don't even think when i had my surgery for my shunt or when i'm really tired do i even have them. I do have seizures in my sleep, just before i go into deep sleep though.


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