If you missed the Q&A with me (@EpilepsyBlogger) on Twitter.com, here is a recap of most of the questions and answers! Some sentences have been shortened because the answers were a bit long, and some questions were very long as well. I wasn't able to capture them all as many were through e-mail and direct messaging, and I only had an hour to reply to all of them! I will do this again in two weeks, so stay tuned to twitter and save up your questions! Ask as many as you'd like!
Q: Sheryl asks via e-mail "What is your dream?"
A: To be remembered when I'm gone for helping Epilepsy to it's cure! :)
Q: Joahna asks via e-mail "Are your contest posts SPAM, or are they real? I've been seeing a lot of them and I was scared to click the link!"
A: My contest posts are NOT SPAM. They are 100% real, and this contest will be the first of VERY many to come! So feel free to enter. I would never, ever put anyone in the way of spam and I background check every app I use for my contests. So that means you will not get any unwanted e-mails, offers, etc.
Q: Joahna asks via e-mail "Are your contest posts SPAM, or are they real? I've been seeing a lot of them and I was scared to click the link!"
A: My contest posts are NOT SPAM. They are 100% real, and this contest will be the first of VERY many to come! So feel free to enter. I would never, ever put anyone in the way of spam and I background check every app I use for my contests. So that means you will not get any unwanted e-mails, offers, etc.
Q: Trevor asks on Facebook "Why did you start blogging?"
A: I started to share my experiences with my VNS, but it turned into more!
Q: @Alixgtz asks "How was your purple pancakes day?"
A: I didn't get to have one last year. But this year, on March 8th, I will! :)
Q: @hasting2010 asks "how long have you had your VNS and do you take meds?"
A: I have had it two years, & I am still on medication. Didn't work :(
Q: @hasting2010 asks "Problem with weight gain?"
A: I've went up 30 lbs in the last yr that I haven't been able to get off with diet & exercise.
Q: David asks in direct message "What medications are you currently on?"
A: I am taking Trileptal 1800 mg, Felbatol 800 mg, and Klonopin 2mg
Q: @hasting2010 asks "Have you been successful at any diet plan?"
A: I have not so far. I've done weight watchers and several other diets, even one created by my doctor. My weight loss stops around 170, even with my constant diet and exercise. I run daily and I fail to lose weight. My diet is very limited as well.
Q: @hasting2010 "Have you tried Keppra?"
A: Keppra made me very sick. I was on it for a year. I had giant blisters all over my body I have only (4 I think) meds left to try as of my last doctor's visit.
Q: Ricci asks via e-mail "What #Epilepsy med have u liked most?"
A: I'd have to say Trileptal has been the least harmful and most helpful to me.
Q: Peter F. asks via e-mail "How did you start the Epilepsy love stories?"
A: My boyfriend came up with the idea to do the first one, but I wanted to do more and get several people's points of views!
Q: Lisa M. asks via e-mail "When was your worst seizure?"
A: I consider them all to be just as bad as the others. They all hurt the same! So I've never really had a worst seizure.
Q: xDangerousx asks via e-mail "Where did your name EpilepsyBlogger come from?"
A: It was somewhat of a nickname my parents had for me, so I decided to use it as my Twitter/Facebook name.
Q: @Alixgtz asks "During u get a cold... Do u get some 'high' seizures? I mean.. Is it normal? N what do u do there.?. :/"
A: During colds it is common to have high amounts of seizures due to your immune system being low. Your best bet is to get a lot of rest and stay away from all of your triggers that you know of. Ex: TV, computers, heat, etc. This happens to me a lot and that is how I get through it. My doctor says the same thing I just told you!
Q: Amanda asks on Facebook "What are your triggers?"
A: Eating incorrectly, flashing lights, showers (don't know why yet), hot weather, not enough sleep, stress. I'm sure there's more I'm missing!
Q: Jessica asks in direct message "I'm curious about the FREE Amazon.com gift card. If I win, will you e-mail it to me or what?"
A: Most gift cards given from my contests, unless they are donated from companies etc., will be e-mailed or given digitally. For example, I may send you an e-mail that looks like this:
"You Won! Congratulations! Below is your gift card code to [Enter store name/ Website here]!
If the card is physically an actual card, I will ask for your address (which will be kept private) and I will mail it to you, free of cost.
Q: Jessica asks in direct message "I'm curious about the FREE Amazon.com gift card. If I win, will you e-mail it to me or what?"
A: Most gift cards given from my contests, unless they are donated from companies etc., will be e-mailed or given digitally. For example, I may send you an e-mail that looks like this:
"You Won! Congratulations! Below is your gift card code to [Enter store name/ Website here]!
If the card is physically an actual card, I will ask for your address (which will be kept private) and I will mail it to you, free of cost.
Don't forget to enter the contest! Only takes a minute!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
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