Saturday, December 3, 2011

#4 Best Blogger for Epilepsy!

Medical Billing and Coding ( has rated My Life as Mandy... with Epilepsy the 4th BEST blog for Epilepsy out of 35 different blogs!!! What great news?! I had no idea until I saw #3, Living Well with Epilepsy's, Jessica Keenan Smith's Twitter post today!

Medical Billing and Coding says...

"This blog humanizes individuals with epilepsy in a warm, encouraging, and positive tone while simultaneously promoting awareness and advocacy and raising money for medical research."

I'm very honored to be #4, and congrats to all of those before and after me! Click here to see the list! We are all so blessed to be on this list! Good job everyone - keep up the amazing work and continue to paint the world purple for Epilepsy!

- EpilepsyBlogger



    Congratulations Mandy, you deserve it!

  2. Congratulations and thank you very much for sharing.

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    Medisoft Program


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