Tuesday, November 6, 2012

When Hell Freezes Over. - Day 6 WEGO National Health Blog Month

Day #6 Nov. 6th WEGO National Health Blog Month
Prompt: Write about a time you took the "high road".

If you enjoy my blogs and articles, please nominate me! Only takes a second! CLICK HERE TO NOMINATE ME!!! #HAAwards #NHBPM

NOTE: To avoid using curse words, I have used the words "evil witch" in place of... Well, I'm sure it's obvious.
"Girl, you just need to realize that your illness is all in your head. You need to stop feeling sorry for yourself and pretending you are sick with an imaginary disease and just go back to being a human being like me and my son. If you really are sick like you say, you're making yourself sick on your own." says the evil witch.

As the inside of me laughs, thinking of a million words to call this evil witch, I remember that "talking back" or yelling at this evil witch for her rude and pompous speech means that I will only stoop to her unintelligent level. Therefore, I look into the evil witch's eyes, give her a great big smile and say "Have a great day, ma'am." and I walk away with my friends.
That's right, friends. Hell has frozen over.

This won't be a long blog. Not tons to say about this situation since I didn't fire back at this evil witch like I wanted to. At a friend's party, speaking with two women there who had Epilepsy. Another woman walks into the area because she overhears us three talking about the side effects we hate, what types of seizures we have, what treatments we use, etc. And this woman feels like she has the right to tell us all that we have a mental illness and that Epilepsy isn't real.
My neurons started to fire from all the shock as this evil witch threw insults at the three of us.
What the hell?
How isn't it real?
Would it be real if I had a seizure in front of you?
Would if be real if your son had Epilepsy?
Would it be real if YOU had Epilepsy?
Should I get up and tear into you with rude words about your ugly dress?
When my mind hit the last thought, I realized immediately that I was stooping to this evil witch's level. So I apologized to the good Lord for my terrible thoughts, said something nice, and just walked away with my friends. I took the high road. Avoided a stressful argument that would probably throw me into a seizure. Avoided hurting someone else by making rude comments. But most of all, kept my ground as a respectful young woman in spite of ugly comments. And that alone made me feel good!
So, my friends... Take the high road and avoid the crap in life altogether! Evil witches can't hurt you if you just don't care.
ALSO - check out the fan pages for tons of cool stuff this month!!! This includes giveaways, cool facts to share with friends, fun Facebook gear to show your advocacy and/or support for others, and much, much more!!! And PLEASE - don't forget to send your awareness month photos to MandyKrzywonski@EpilepsyBlogger.org so you can be on the blog!!!


(For mothers, fathers, aunts, uncles,
grandmas, grandpas, nieces, nephews, step-fathers, step-mothers,
daughters, sons, step-daughters, step-sons, friends, best friends,
wives, husbands, couples, and so on! Even singles!!!)


(Hopeful words, videos, music, and more to brighten up your day!)


Loved ones of those with Epilepsy also welcomed.
Topics posted each week by Mandy (EpilepsyBlogger).
All ages!
Happy Epilepsy Awareness Month!
Mandy Krzywonski

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