Thursday, November 8, 2012

"Dear Epilepsy" A Letter to the Criminal - Day 8 WEGO National Health Blog Month

Day 8 Nov. 8th WEGO National Health Blog Month
Prompt: Write a letter to your illness.


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Dear Epilepsy,

I'm truly confused about where to even start with this letter. Honestly, if I met you in person I don't even know what I would say. I probably wouldn't say anything. I would just kill you and get you off of this earth so you can no longer torture or kill anyone. Saying that, I guess this is more like writing a letter to someone who killed you. I can say that I forgive you all I want, but I don't.

Who are you to think that you have the right to crawl into our bodies and take us over the way you do? No one gave you permission - But really, who would? You've taken beautiful memories and either ruined them by embarassing seizures, or stolen them completely through memory loss and brain damage. Now, it's true that no one should be embarassed by you. We didn't ask for you and you do this crap all on your own with no help from us. But people with you can't pretend like we aren't slightly embarrassed sometimes. I'll be the first to admit it.

What makes you think that it's okay to kill? Why do you have to make us live each day worrying about SUDEP or status epilepticus? I hardly ever sleep with a pillow these days in fear that I'll suffocate from one of the tens and twenties of seizures I have in my sleep every night. I go nowhere without my Ativan because I know you'll try to spring status epilepticus on me like you always do.

You didn't make me strong - I made myself strong on my own. You are simply what I stepped on to become who I am today. Therefore, I hate you with everything in me and I will not pretend like I don't. We all hate you, and we're coming for you. Hurting your feelings? Well, I don't care. I hope you feel depressed, insecure, embarrassed, scared and plain angry. Because all of us feel this constantly thanks to you.

You're probably firing up in my head right now, angry that I am writing this letter. I know you well and you seem to hate me most whenever I use a computer. So let me make this easier for you to understand; I am writing this letter simply to tell you to run, and run fast. Why? Because the rest of the world and I are coming to get you and make you a thing of the past. I want my great children to learn about you in school, but I want them to learn about the day you DIED. The day WE KILLED YOU. And that day is coming soon. So enjoy your sick, twisted fun while you still can because I am ripping you out of my head in a month and a half, and the rest of the world is going to banish you completely when we find the right poison.

Screw you,

Mandy Krzywonski

To KILL this criminal, Epilepsy, CLICK HERE AND DONATE TO HELP!!!

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