Monday, September 10, 2012

EpilepsyBlogger Introduces ScanMed QR - Review & Giveaway

Alright folks... I'm absolutely jumping up and down to show you all this fantastic product that truly makes all difference when you're choosing medical alert wear, and I'm even more excited to be GIVING THEM AWAY!!! Many people go for the metal bracelets, or the plain I.C.E. alert bands. Some people have only simple I.C.E. cards in their wallets, and some don't even use medical alert wear at all! So please read below to find out why it is so important to wear medical alert products, and find out how to WIN a ScanMed QR band + a 1 year membership!!!

It's inevitable - we're all going to be alone, without caretakers, at some point in time. Whether it be at work, school, or out and about on the town. If we have a seizure alone, and we are found by medical emergency responders or even strangers unconscious, they wouldn't know what was wrong with us or who we even are. Especially if it happens to be on a day in which you left your purse in the car, or forgot your wallet. Emergencies don't care which days are best for you, and neither do seizures.

Medical alert wear helps inform those who find you on:

- how to treat you

- who to call for your safety

- who you are

- what disease/ disorder/ allergy/ illness/ etc. you have

- and much more!

When you choose to wear these products, as a person with Epilepsy, it is most definitely a life-saving decision. Not to mention it can help medical emergency responders waste less time and get you the help you need far more quickly, just in time to save your life. Imagine having a seizure in a strange place, alone, without all of this information... Doesn't sound like good odds, does it?

So I'm sure after watching the above video, and what I've just said, you've realized that you need to invest in some sort of medical alert wear. You're probably wondering how or where you're going to find a bracelet, necklace, etc. Well, you're in LUCK! Because at the end of this review is an awesome GIVEAWAY, all thanks to ScanMed QR, where I will be giving ONE band away EACH DAY for 30 DAYS!!! So please read and be sure to enter before you exit the website!

What did I think of the ScanMed QR Band? - Review


I was worried this band wouldn't be comfortable. I am not going to lie, it seems a little chunky as far as size goes, and I was worried that it would pull on my hair. I am unfortunately one of those females with a slightly hairy arm (laughs) so I am very careful about what I wear. To my surprise, the silicone band did not pull at my hair at all and it is so comfortable that I forget I am even wearing it! It is easy to remove if you need to, it bends easily and will not break during a seizure, and actually isn't as bulky as it first looked. To me, that is as comfortable as it gets, my friends!


The ScanMed QR band is a 100% SILICONE sports band, similar to the LIVESTRONG bands you see often these days. I never understood why silicone bands were so popular until I actually wore one. However, I was very impressed with the quality of this silicone bracelet:

- Flexible/ Doesn't break: Unless you were to get a pair of scissors and purposefully spend 5 minutes chopping it in half, this band isn't going anywhere. Ever had a metal chain that broke? Yeah, me too. Silicone is far better!

Hypoallergenic material: Silicone is non-porous and does not contain allergens. Great for everyone!

- Waterproof: What's better than a bracelet that can go in the pool, hot tub, shower, or ocean with you? Absolutely no effort required! No need to remove it!

- Won't fall off: The ScanMed QR band grips the wrist loosely, but is tight enough to where it isn't going to fall off on accident.

- Sturdy: Quite thick, but not too thick to where it is heavy or uncomfotable. No seams or sections appearing to come undone. Actually does NOT have a seam splitting down the the band which means that this puppy ain't goin' nowhere!

Easy to read: Words are easy to read, and anyone approaching you can see the medical alert symbols along with the QR code.


You also get an awesome ID card that comes with the same unique QR code printed on your wristband. It shows your name, and instructions on how to scan the code. It also lists what vital information can be found after scanning!

ScanMed QR Application and Ease of Use When Scanning QR Code:

The ScanMed QR Reader app could not be easier to use. It is FREE, and can be downloaded on iTunes for Apple products such as the iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPod touch (3rd generation), iPod touch (4th generation) and iPad. Requires iOS 5.1 or later to use. SEE THE SCANMED QR READER APPLICATION BY CLICKING HERE! Definitely giving it 5 STARS! NOTE: Any QR Code reader can read the code on the band!!!

With a picture showing a person scanning the band, and directions on the screen, you can't get lost on what to do. Even if you're new to technology.

Once you have scanned your QR code, which only takes about 3 seconds of steady scanning, your profile will show up on the screen. You can also log in to your profile through the app. I found this to be very helpful at doctor appointments this last week because my memory isn't too good and I always forget the dosages of my medications.
You can even DIAL 9-1-1 right from the app! So be sure to teach your friends and family how to use the app because it can really save a lot of time!

What Can I See on My Profile? 

  • Height
  • Weight
  • Blood Type
  • Medical Conditions (Awesome if you have more than just Epilepsy, like myself!)
  • Allergies
  • Current Medications (with dosage and frequency!)
  • Emergency Contacts
  • Physician Information
  • Special Instructions (Such as "Do Not Resuscitate")
  • Religion
  • And Much More!

  • What About Using The Website? Is it Easy?

    Absolutely!!! After logging in, everything is more than a breeze. Plus, if you get confused, there's a number at the top and bottom of the screen in which you can call for assistance. There's no way to lose with ScanMed QR and I am so thankful for that! Click HERE to check out the website!!!

    Okay, I Want One! How Can I Get One?

    By visiting SCANMEDQR.COM, choose your membership. ScanMed QR makes it very easy to cover your entire family, and even a few friends (up to 8) if you'd like!

    When you're done selecting your membership, hit BUY NOW! You'll create your profile on the website for you and your family members or friends, and once your bands will arrive in the mail you're DONE! Aside from updating your profile as conditions or medications change, that's all you'll ever need to do!


    It just does NOT get easier, folks. This is "the" band! Requires the least amount of effort to keep you safe at all times, and holds more information than any other medical alert band. You even get a FREE ID card with the QR card for your wallet or purse in case you happen to forget you band. I'm beyond impressed with this product, and it's the last one I will ever need to buy because it is comfortable, sturdy, and simply takes care of everything! Let's not forget to mention that you can easily cover the entire family, plus a friend or two for the price of ONE average metal medical alert bracelet. It just doesn't get any better than ScanMed QR!

    Ready to WIN One?!

    Thank you to Eric Richardson, the President and Co-Founder of ScanMed QR for this amazing donation of one (1) ScanMed QR band to give away EACH DAY for 30 DAYS!!! Trying this product was absolutely wonderful - I have never felt more safe going out for a jog as a person with Epilepsy. Usually I am dragging along one of my sisters and slowing myself down when I could be jogging on my own, at my own speed, without having to worry about having a seizure alone. I have definitely found the product for me, and I hope others see how much of a godsend this product truly is!

    To Win:

    Carefully enter your information into the boxes in the Rafflecopter widget below. All of your info is 100% SAFE, and can only be viewed by myself. There are 4 REQUIRED ENTRIES. Without ALL FOUR, you can NOT win the contest!

    - Full Name

    - VALID E-mail Address

    - Location (Contest is available for both the U.S.A. and the United Kingdom)

    - Comment

    Once you have completed all four REQUIRED ENTRIES, you are officially entered into the contest. You also UNLOCK EXTRA ENTRIES which can be completed if you wish, but are NOT required. EXTRA ENTRIES can earn you up to 10 entries each! You can come back and enter each day if you did not win the previous day. You may only win ONCE, and only ONE winner per household.

    GOOD LUCK!!!

    a Rafflecopter giveaway


    1. Heather C.
      I would love to have a Scanmed band for myself. I suffer from seizures very often and this would be a big help in my daily life. It would help comfort me and my family members who can not always be by my side. This is an easy way to save a life because doctors need to know which meds I am on and all other medical information before I can be treated. Thanks & God Bless.

    2. I am starting an EFA-affiliated support group in my city. The band would not only benefit me personally, what a terrific opportunity fir discussion! Avyel K.

    3. can i enter the raffle on behalf of my 14 year old son?

    4. I really hope to win one. That would be amazing. I am an IT Technician and love the technology being created. I was diagnosed last November with Epilepsy and have other allergies and this would be perfect.

    5. Lindsay Kelley-VanderpoelSeptember 10, 2012 at 10:25 AM

      I would love to win a bracelet for my 8 yr old daughter. She has epilepsy and ADHD. We have had a hard time finding a medic alert bracelet that she finds comfortable and is waterproof. Something she can wear for long periods of time and be durable. Winning this would be great!

    6. Thank you Amanda for such a great review of our product. I am Eric's mother and co-founder of ScanMed QR. Our product was originally developed for me but when Eric and I realized how many people this could benefit, we just had to make it available to others. I have Type 1 Diabetes and grand mal seizures. I passed out once shopping and the only way they knew who I was is that I had my cell phone in my pocket (I had locked my purse in my car). I live alone but now, no worries! When I can't speak, the band speaks for me! It not only provides more information than any other medical alert product but when information changes, you go online and change it; no need for a new band or card. Kind Regards!

    7. I would like to win because my daughter could benefit by having the bracelet. She is involved in many sports and school activities where she is often far away from a hospital or a parent. Having this tool will aid her in being able to get important information to medical personnel if they need it.

    8. My daughter who is 5 has Doose Syndrome. This would awesome to have this for Kennedy. That way if something would happen at school. I would know that the paramedics and doctors would have her correct information. Thank you so much. JAM

    9. I think this is an amazing thing to have! Especially with technology being way more advanced than it used to be. A lot of people can find out information easily and with little instruction!
      Kalissa L.

    10. I am new to Epilepsy and had no idea to wear an ID bracelet. This would make me feel so much safer when going on walks. I am afraid to go now for fear I will have a seizure.

    11. By BW I never new I needed a bracelet and thi would help me feel safe when going on walks when I am alone

    12. I think this is great. My daughter and I both have epilepsy. You can have a lot of information on it.

      renee c

    13. This is an amazing gift and idea for many children with any condition. Kids would benefit from this Id bracelet in many ways. We as parents cannot be with them 24/7 and this ID bracelet kind of gives us a breath of fresh air if our children need medical attention when we are not present. I cannot afford ID bracelets therefor this would be a great deal!!!
      Kate Y.B

    14. i would love to Win & have this cause 50% of the time i am home by myself & my wife she works during the day, but she be home at Night, i have Temporal Lobe Epliepsy, i cant tell when i am havin a seizure or not, (some weeks i can have 8-10 seizures & some weeks i can have none it varies), one day i remember sittin in the chair & i woke up on the floor, i didnt remember me falling i cant tell when i am havin a seizure, or not.

    15. I would love to Win this for me, I have Temporal Lobe Epliepsy, I use to have Febrile Seizures as a child less than a year old (3 months old), & it stop when I was 4 years old, my parents say I used to be in the hospital a lot, I was on Phenobarbital medication for it, whenever I have a high fever, cold, had an infection, shakes, & temperature over 100-103, I have it, also my parents say I pass out at school when I was in preparatory school, the teacher called them to come & pick me up from school, then it recently restarted 2 ½ years ago, my wife didn't know what it was she be hearing me snoring in my sleep, so I probably was having it in my sleep, then one day I was up watching TV, then my Wife saw me have 2 episode back 2 back,(I can have 8-10 seizures in a week & some week I have none, it varies, also 50% of the time I am home by myself cause my wife works during the day, but she is home at night, so I can’t tell when I am having a seizure or not.) My seizures start with a funny feeling at the top of my stomach; then my wife say I just stop & stare, I don’t shake or jerk it varies, but sometimes I make a chewing motion with my mouth & drool a lil bit like I am choking on my saliva, then my whole left hand & arm shake for a few minutes and then it was over, I have no control over it, but I’m awake and alert for the whole thing, it last 15-30 seconds, i cant tell when i am having it.

    16. I need one because I live by myself and already once had a seizure in the shower and almost died and smashed my face on the toilet. i dont remember but i crawled to my bed post ictal and woke up with post ictal symptoms, naked, etc. had one on a plane, in a public bathroom, soccer field, party, dorm, school, work, etc. they are grand mal. i also have ptsd and depression. i have told some people at work to look on my phone if something happens. i have ativan in my purse which would be nice to put on the scan med bracelet because it has saved my life on many occasions. i am 32 and single and I don't have kids. i would love to have one! :)

    17. My name is Sarah and I have epilepsy...grand mal and petite mal seizures, I have break through episodes at least monthly...2-3 days of seizures and usually an emergency room trip. I have no insurance and no doctor, no job and no cash, no social security or medicaid/medicare benefits. I live alone and spend the majority of my time alone. It would really give both myself and my family a peace of mind knowing that my medical info was easily accessible to others in emergency situations...thank you for your time and your consideration.
      Sarah K. Ingram

    18. Would like one was driving in my car with my daughter and had a seizure and have had more since I can't afford these other items

    19. I work in public education system and I am in and out of different classrooms and buildings all day long. Not everyone is aware of my condition and the band would not only provide those that are around me if I happen to seize with the much needed information. It would also serve as a talking point with the students and their parents of those that I teach who do have seizures themselves.
      Earl D.

    20. I would love to win for my 2 1/2 year old sonwho has epilepsy. His seizures come st anytime and it would be great for him especially when he is at daycare
      Heather d

      1. I also wanted to add that it would be even more amazing, because my husband is military so my son switches doctors alot, and could be at a different hospital any day/time... So having this would bring peace of mind especially since most won't have his information!

      2. Also, due to my name on facebook having my middle name in it, my entries are coming up, Heather N.

    21. I could really use one of these as I don't only have the big E but was recently diagnosed with Diabetes as well. This would make a major difference in my life and bring a lot of meaning. :)
      Ronnie C

    22. I would love to win one for my 1 year old son who has epilepsy and other medical conditions. In fact, we just lost his medicalert bracelet at the fair yesterday! :)

    23. I'd like to win this for my mom. Since I'm so far away, her having this would give me a little bit of peace at mind in case of an emergency.

    24. This would be great for my son. Not only does he have a diagnosis of epilepsy, he has a history of respiratory failure and is on quite a few medications. We do have a link bracelet but it pinches his arm and he doesn't like to wear it.

    25. I would love this for my daughter as she has penicillin allergy, bee sting allergy, asthma, and ADD/ ADHD
      Doreen S.

    26. Wendy McNaughton from brighton
      Id really love to have one of these medi bands i really think there a good idea
      as there have all the infomasion on it but im not sure how to go about how to go about getting hold of one im a member of the epilepsy serciterty ive got epilepsy ive had it since birth.

    27. I'd really like to win a ScanMed bracelet, because I am a person with epilepsy.
      I have had epilepsy since January of 2011 when I had a brain surgery to remove an aneurysm. My epilepsy is also making me go blind. I have lost 75% of my vision since the surgery. A bracelet would help people know that I have multiple conditions effecting my health.
      I'm in high school, and a bracelet would help other students know what's wrong if I have a seizure or fall, etc, because any one of them could scan it with their phones to help me. They all have phones, and I would feel much safer.

    28. Would like to win this for my teenage daughter who has recently been diagnoised with a seizure disorder. We got her a metal medical alert Id, but she doesnt wear it very often. I think it is because anyone can read it and see what her medical condition is. This band makes it more confidential. Plus its more hi-tech so maybe she would be willing to wear it too?

      Rachel B.

    29. I know my reasons aren't as "valid" as the above stated. Yes, I have a seizure disorder, which manifested July 14, 2000, when my cousin had her baby but mine is stemming from a head injury suffered when I was younger. But, as I get ready today, from the Mississippi Gulf Coast, to take a 2k mile round trip to Texas,for an emergency, I can't but think something like this would come in handy, just in case. I know it would put my sister, and R.N., at ease, as well as my family.

    30. I would love to have one for my 10yr son how we just find out has seizer and it's scary thing to go through as a parent and he also has ADHD and odd. too. He has been through so much this past year. Thank you so much and God Bless you all Donna Todd

    31. I would love for my son to win one of these. He just started high school and it would help me feel better of he had a seizure at school to know if the ambulance were called they would have exact, accurate information immediately! This is an awesome bracelet!! Thanks for sharing.
      Heather B

    32. I have had epilepsy for 10 years and that has been 10 years of not being able to work. Money is extremely tight so getting one of these bands would be a blessing

    33. I am a strong advocate for epilepsy awareness and i feel that the bracelet would be beneficial to the awareness, but also for me personally.

    34. I am a big Epilepsy Advocate. I believe this bracelet would aide in awareness and be beneficial to myself as well.

    35. I would love to win for my niece. Protection and awareness is key!

    36. Stephanie D.

      I'd like a band for myself or even my daughter. We BOTH have epilepsy. I've suffered from epilepsy for almost 27 years now and I live alone with my two children. My daughter (age 3) just started this journey a little over a year ago. It would benefit both of us TREMENDOUSLY!!!

    37. CHRISTINA S.


      1. I Marci Tabora would LOVE one of these bracelets for my 2 year old daughter who has Epilepsy , PVL and Cerebral Palsy. I have already found her not breathing twice. I have now gone back to work and it makes me extremely nervous since she receives 5 therapy sessions a week. She is also going to be starting an integrated pre-K class. Ive started medicated for anxiety now. Please help.

    38. I think that winning one of these bands for my son would be GREAT! I think it's AMAZING what these bands actually do with the scanner, great idea! My son is 5 years old and now in school, which is very "scary" for me to "let him go"! He has un-predicatable seizures and wears a seizure helmet for protection, experiencing up to 100 seizures a day. He has numerous different types of seizures, not just the "well-known" tonic-clonic/grandmal. We have attempted the VNS surgery once before but due to his size and pectus-excavatum (sunken chest) his body rejected the machine, but we are expecting a new VNS implant to be placed in his back. I have been looking into bracelets for him to wear to school and there just "isn't enough room/space" to put all the required wording on it, this bracelet would be able to SAY IT ALL! I am eager to learn more about this bracelet and hopefully win one! Either way I think that we will be getting this AMAZING SCANBand for him!!! GREAT INVENTION and THUMBS UP to the person who came up with this!

    39. Andrea E.
      I could really use one of these bands. I have had Epilepsy since I was 10 (I'm 39 now). I have an infant son and my biggest fear is that I will be alone one day and suffer a seizure. With the stereotypes placed on those of us with
      Epilepsy and seizure disorders, I tend not to inform people of my condition, which could be to my detriment. Certainly a band such as this could benefit me in so many ways. Thank you!


    40. This is the coolest thing that I have ever heard of. I began having seizures in my early 30's with no known reasons. My neurologist have tried all kinds of meds to try to get them under control without them working and me having allergic reactions to some of the meds. This would be very useful to have so that if i'm by myself the paramedic would know what and what not to give me to. I absolutely love the fact that I will be taken care of even if I am by my self. WOW!!

      -"With God All Things Are Possible." Matthew 19:26

    41. I've had epilepsy since I was 6 months old. I'm in my 50's now. I had a stroke during brain surgery 9 yrs ago for my seizures. And now I have migraines and aphasia besides the seizures. I know I'll feel a whole lot safer with this band, especially when I'm out of the house shopping or whatever with my sister since I'm not allowed to drive. And I'll also feel better when I take my dog walking in the evening by myself.Thanks

    42. I would love to have one of these. I have had seizures for 33 years, and my mother still freaks out whenever I have a big seizure. When I have my flurry days she gets just as frantic. She knows nothing about my meds, and my husband is a truck driver. He is gone 5 days a week. My daughter is home to help with me, but she knows nothing about my meds either, and she is only 10. This is something that can be very useful to the family when we are out and about and if something serious happens to me when my husband is out on the road. I have tried to wear the silver bracelets but they break easily. This would be very useful to me. I would hope to win something like this.

    43. Hi my name is Marcie, my son Larry has Epilepsy and suffers from seizures quite often. He is 13 years old, and part of his brain didnt develop. This bracelet would be a God send to me if he was at school or on a field trip. Thank you so much for offering this to everyone GOD BLESS you

    44. I really need a new ID bracelet and this one would help me out so much. I wouldn't have to worry about going out by looks great :)

    45. Our 2 1/2 year old son has Epilepsy and my biggest fear is that we will be in a car accident or in an emergency event and no one will know that he is Epileptic. This could and would save his life!

    46. Oh wow, I didn't know my comment was on the front page from FB...AWESOME, TY!!! :)

    47. I definitely need one that can hold all my info and NOT break if I seize. As a former jeweler that's always a repair seen most often...metal med alert bracelets & pendants.

    48. *** Marcie Brat ***

      This would be so good, as my son who has Epilepsy and is also special needs . this would be so helpful at school. he has had Epilepsy since birth, he was born 6 & 1/2 weeks early and part of his brain didnt develop. he is my pride and joy and my gift from God. and he is so scared that he will have a seizure at school and people will tease him, we were at the zoo last year and he was having seizures and we had to leave. this would be such a BLESSING for us or anyone with Epilepsy . GOD BLESS YOU

    49. This would be so great for my son who has epilepsy. I have tried other bracelets and he either thinks they are to girly or they are low quality and break a lot. This may seem like not such a big deal, its better to feel 'girly' and be safe then not, but he already goes through so much that having a non girly medical bracelet doesn't seem like to much to ask for.

      Chelsea Tate

    50. I would LOVE to win one of these bracelets because I have been an uncontrolled epileptic for 11 years. I suffer seizures on a regular basis and am sometimes alone with my 3 year old. He isn't able to communicate the things that this bracelet could and it would relieve a lot of anxiety for him if the EMTs could just scan the bracelet. They would then know his name and mine. Those little things mean a lot for someone so small. As all epileptics know, it takes a lot from us, and for me that means it takes my ability to give as much to my children as I wish I could. This is one way that I could give back to him, if only a little bit, some comfort even when I'm not able to communicate. It would really be a huge blessing.

    51. I would like to enter for myself and my 9th old daughter. We both suffer from epilepsy. I was diagnosed at age 5 and my daughter at age 2. I would like to win one of these because I worry about something happening to me when my husband isn't home and I'm with the kids. Also, if my daughter Shelby won, it would make me feel better for when she's at school or a friends house or something. This is a wonderful thing that you are doing for people! God bless you!
      Melissa C. And Shelby C. <3

    52. Also I'm planning an international trip in the next 18 months, these come in handy and can be scanned ANYWHERE by anyone with a smartphone. PLUS you don't have to remove it because it's metal for the TSA.

    53. my name is larry Brooks. i was born with Epilepsy and i still have it. this item would help me out in so many ways, i go to middle school and the fear of having a seizure at school is a big one to me. my mom marcie has helped me out so many times and so many different ways. she is the BEST mom a boy could have ( LOVE YOU MOM) i would love to win this cause it would cease the distraction on what people need to do or whould do. this would be a true lifesaver for me i will continue to pray for everyone with epiepsy . i know how hardit is a kid, the doctors have already told us i will have this for the rst of my life due to some parts of my brain that didnt develop. so this bracelet would be such a BIG help you dont even know. thank you offering this to people like me ... Take Care and God Bless ...... Larry Brooks

    54. Larry Brooks . I would love to win this , it would help me be more atease when i am in publc and have a seizure. my mom Marcie does so much for me, this would help me and help her too.. good luck everyone


    Thanks for visiting my website and reading my blog! Be sure to like EpilepsyBlogger and my other pages on Facebook, and follow me on Twitter @EpilepsyBlogger for live updates! God bless! - EpilepsyBlogger