Saturday, March 9, 2013

Help out Mandy!!!

Hey everyone!

As promised, here are EpilepsyBlogger's (Mandy's) pictures from the two week hospital stay. These are the photos after her brain surgery... Very emotional. Mandy ended up getting her left hippocampus removed entirely, part of her left occipital, and part of her left temporal lobe removed. Due to this, her ability to read is going to need a lot of therapy, yet she can still write with no problem whatsoever. Mandy also has tons of issues remembering names of people, restaurants, animals, foods, etc. Mandy also has issues with her vision due to the brain surgery... So therapy is going to be difficult as Mandy is healing for the next few years.

But guess what? Mandy, who regularly had at least 30 seizures each day has had NONE whatsoever since brain surgery!!! So although there will be a few years of her brain healing, she will be nothing but thankful to no longer have seizures!!! Be sure to donate what you can to help Mandy out now that she is out of surgery. The family & friends of Mandy are uniting to raise money to help her battle against epilepsy. Thank you for your support and CLICK HERE TO READ MORE about how you can help! 

Mandy's father Andrew, waiting for her to wake up after brain surgery so he could find out if she was okay. Very stressful and emotional.

Mandy's mother holding her hand for hours while she slept. Yvonne was also very stressful that she wasn't waking up yet.

After brain surgery Mandy slept literally 24 hours on end... Didn't wake up as fast as everyone had hoped. Family waited in the hospital with her regardless of her sleeping. They wanted to be there just in case she decided to wake up the first day.

Mandy and her mother the day after brain surgery... So happy!

Mandy finally woke up a day after brain surgery and hugged her daddy!

Mandy showing her bruises from her daily shots on her tummy. Those shots unfortunately made her gain weight!

Mandy getting bandages and staples removed two days after surgery.

Left: Mandy's nurse Janice
Middle: Mandy, awake on the day after her final brain surgery
Right: Dr. Papa (Mandy's brain surgeon)

Mandy's gorgeous head!

God bless!!!


  1. My prayers along with everyone else have been answered :) I'm praying now for a wonderfully fast recovery. God bless you all!

  2. Hey super woman just stop by to tell you to to stay strong as you have already been. I myself had brain surgery for something similar back in 2008. You will be in my prayers.


Thanks for visiting my website and reading my blog! Be sure to like EpilepsyBlogger and my other pages on Facebook, and follow me on Twitter @EpilepsyBlogger for live updates! God bless! - EpilepsyBlogger