Thursday, February 14, 2013

7 Days Until Surgery - Officially One Week

Today my brain surgery is officially only one week away.

7 days.

168 hours.

10,080 minutes.

604,800 seconds.


(It's also Valentine's Day, so happy Valentine's Day!)

Alright, back to being depressed. Not because I want to, but because I am. Now that the surgery is getting closer I am really getting hit hard... And so is my family. My mother has been crying all evening which in turn made my father cry and then me. Especially when she hugged me and started to break down in tears on my shoulder. It's all hurting.

I've been cleaning and doing what I can to stay busy. Getting my bag ready for the hospital stay. Equipped with everything a girl needs, uncluding pads because my period is most likely going to land on my surgery week. How freakin lucky is that? (Not AT ALL.) I painted for a while but my seizures acted up from all the colors so I had to stop. Decided to finish everyone's V-Day gifts while I was up.

I made surprise breakfasts for my brother and sisters. Pancakes (the words and hearts are pancakes too!), heart-shaped fried potatoes, a heart-shaped sausage filled with an egg omelet, and fruit.

And then I made red velvet cookies filled with sweet cream cheese for my parents, family and friends. These were too fun to make. Unfortunately I hardly ate today. My hunger is gone with these new pills. Not sure if that's a blessing or a curse.

I didn't get to see my honey today since he's away at school, and I didn't get to talk to him either. He's so busy over there sometimes that it really upsets me. I can tell you that this alone made today just as hard. But at least I get to see him Saturday and have a little sleepover with him. I miss him so much. *tears* And gosh was it hard to be the only girl with no flowers today. My sister and mum got some beautiful ones though.

I got the sweetest gift in the mail from a friend, Amanda. She made me a little "cheer up" kit. Delicious cookies, my favorite Celestial teas, Swiss Miss classic hot cocoa with marshmallows, a Bath & Body Works mini hand sanitizer (with a keychain) and a Yahtzee To-Go for the hospital. Made me smile so much!

So today wasn't all that bad. I'm just getting scared I suppose. My family from Michigan gets here tomorrow along with an all-night visit from my best friend, so that should bring me some constant smiles.

I've got my eye on the sunrise.


1 comment:

  1. I love all that surrounded you today.

    I'd love to talk with you about Jackson's surgery whenever you'd like. Hang in there.


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