Saturday, November 10, 2012

Facebook No-No - Day 10 WEGO National Health Blog Month

Day 10 Nov. 10th WEGO National Health Blog Post Month
Prompt: Should people write about their (or their loved one's) health on Facebook?
If you enjoy my blogs and articles, please nominate me! Only takes a second! CLICK HERE TO NOMINATE ME!!! #HAAwards #NHBPM
This blog won't be long, because I am not entirely sure on how to answer this question. Being someone who is always yacking about their health, it really makes you think. Is it really okay to discuss your health openly online... Specifically, on Facebook? A network that can be full of strangers?

I suppose in some cases you should NOT post about your (or your loved one's) health on Facebook. These instances would be:

- If it is sexual health. (Please, please keep it to yourself!)

- If your loved one wouldn't necessarily like you sharing his/her health with the world. There's nothing worse than hearing "I didn't want anyone else to know about that yet!"

- If it is serious and may scare a lot of people, causing tons of phone calls during a time in which you or your loved one need rest and peace. I have made this mistake once or twice and each time included a hospital room filled with noise from phone calls being recieved all day. (Even though my tongue was swollen and I couldn't talk).

- If speaking about your loved one's health will cause them to act negative or feel sorry for themselves (or yourself). Being positive is important, and that sometimes involves avoiding talking about your illness until you have a better attitude toward it. I, myself, am just as guilty of this as anyone else. Just because I am EpilepsyBlogger doesn't mean I am always smiling and positive!

- If it isn't "for sure" yet. People freak out and talk pretty quickly in my family, so unless it is written in permanent ink on my health file, no one needs to know. Even then, I try to keep a lot of things a secret outside of Epilepsy.

- If your Facebook is public, contains co-workers, or people you don't know very well. My Facebook has been drowned with fans. It was bound to happen, since I work with so many other bloggers and Epilepsy advocates. After a while, the purple ribbons start to look the same! However, I make sure that I have NO co-workers (when I used to work) on my Facebook profile. Many things can go wrong when speaking about your health. They may feel you are sick too often to do the job based on what you are posting. I know two good friends who have gotten fired due to this one mistake. As far as the "people you don't know very well" and public access... Do you really want them knowing your private info? If it's something you wouldn't be comfortable saying to any one person in the world, no matter who it is, don't post it. And remember that public access means that your co-workers or strangers can still view and subscribe to your profile even though they aren't your friends!

I personally speak pretty openly about my health, but only regarding my Epilepsy. I am a "health blogger" - all I talk about is me and my health! But there are limits. Epilepsy is all I speak about, or "appropriate" illnesses that are related such as migraines, (some) female problems, digestive issues, etc. If it isn't related, and I wouldn't share it with a stranger, I will NOT share it online. And especially on Facebook!

Hope you have enjoyed my first 10 posts!
Mandy Krzywonski


(For mothers, fathers, aunts, uncles,
grandmas, grandpas, nieces, nephews, step-fathers, step-mothers,
daughters, sons, step-daughters, step-sons, friends, best friends,
wives, husbands, couples, and so on! Even singles!!!)

(Hopeful words, videos, music, and more to brighten up your day!)

Loved ones of those with Epilepsy also welcomed.
Topics posted each week by Mandy (EpilepsyBlogger).
All ages!

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