Friday, August 31, 2012

Toxic Medications + EpilepsyBlogger's Delicious Purple Detox ShakeRecipe

Medication, medication, medication... It often makes me shake my head. Why? Because of all the harmful side effects - not to mention the hidden side effects - and because of the fact that we are literally dependant on it, being people with constant seizures. After knowing those two facts, the real question is, what can we do to keep our bodies pure and free of as much toxin as possible?

Before I go on, remember that I am NOT a doctor. These tips are all perfectly safe and will indeed help with many things, but pay careful attention to anything that may cause you irritation or allergic reactions, and always ask or inform your doctor before making changes to your diet. Make sure you are meeting your daily caloric nutritional goal. It is always good to let your doctor know so he or she can monitor any improvement, or make changes to your treatment to assist your lifestyle.

So with all that being said, grab a pen and paper and let's begin!

For starters, I'd like to begin by telling you just how medications are toxins to our body, even though they help control our seizures and other illnesses at the same time...

Think of your body like your skin. It has pores, hypothetically, which would be your liver and kidneys. They can get "clogged" by all the chemicals from your medications.

- The liver is responsible for filtering the body's blood, which would also be metabolizing any drug that is ingested. Some medications can be toxic to the liver, causing inflammation, jaundice and cirrhosis, a chronic disease where the liver develops excess scar tissue.

- One potential side effect of epilepsy medication is toxicity, which occurs when the medication level in the blood is too high. This can result in blurred vision, fatigue and stomach discomfort.

Many people including myself feel this after taking a dose of medication that is too strong. Be sure to let your doctor know if you are feeling this as it can be dangerous and deadly in some cases. This can lead to the issue I first mentioned, which is toxicity to the liver.

NOTE: Drinking a few glasses of water can help, as sometimes you are dehydrated making the blood/ medication ratio too slim.

- Over time, medication that has built up in our bodies will wear away at healthy tissue and organs and slow
performance in many forms. This can be noticed in several different ways. The most common for those taking AED's or Epilepsy medications would be:

~ Weight gain (Slows metabolism, keeps body from absorbing nutrients correctly, damages organs needed to help metabolism).

~ Osteoporosis (Basically the wearing away of your bones and joints) and Arthritis (Joint pain)

~ High blood pressure and heart problems. (Result of weight gain)

~ Unhealthy teeth and gums (Along with bad breath that seems to come back even though you have brushed). Bones and teeth are one in the same, therefore they can be worn down too.

~ Thinning hair or bald spots. (Lack of nutrients in the body can cause this or can happen as a result of stress caused by medication).

~ Acne (Something that doctors have said is near inevitable for those on Epilepsy meds), blisters, boils, rashes, and other skin problems.

~ Digestive issues such as ulcers, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Crohn's disease, and more. (Pills and medications contain acids that tear away at stomach and digestive tissue. Medications can also interrupt the body's natural digestive acid levels.)

So how can we prevent or keep these seemingly-inevitable side effects in line so that they don't cause major harm to our bodies in the long run?

- Drink the right amount of water. You've heard it time and time again in regards to everything from maintaining your weight, repairing the digestive tract to having clear skin. It sounds bogus, but I can guarantee water plays a major role for all of these things! Drinking at least eight 8 oz. glasses of water a day can seem like too much... But it's what your body needs! At least for the average person. People taking medications have to drink even more water than the average person! So go ahead and try for ten 8 oz. glasses a day, minimum.

God created water for a reason... It's good for us! But not all people think it tastes good. So, if the lack of flavor is too much, try adding a drop of natural peppermint extract, a sice of lemon, or even some apple slices and a stick of cinnamon! These are all great ways to flavor your water because they calm hunger and they are natural, zero calorie options!

- Get more calcium for your bones and joints. Drink your two glasses of milk a day, and eat foods that are good for your bones and joints. Check out this WebMD article about foods for strong bones and joints. Since milk doesn't always do the job when you're older, you may want to find a good supplement. Osteoporosis is very common with AED's and can lead to all sorts of issues that many wouldn't experience until their senior years.

- Eat foods that help your body detoxify. Pretty much anything that grows from the ground! But make sure it is fresh, otherwise it won't do a thing for you! Fresh food will aid in digestion and repair the digestive tract.

Be sure to check out my detox shake recipe below - makes a great meal replacement once a day for any meal you'd like. I find dinner is best for me as it helps with my digestive issues by allowing me not to have to add solid food to my stomach overnight, or fast foods that are hard to digest.

- In regards to my last tip, avoid as much pre-packaged or fast foods as you can. These foods have grease (fat), chemicals, dyes and preservatives that get lodged within our bodies. Not only making our bodies more toxic, but also affecting the weight gain factor that accompanies medications. This step alone can even help clear up acne!

- Get a good, sweaty workout at least three times a week... You don't want to push yourself too much if your body can't handle it. Great workouts include jogging, bike riding, boxing, dancing, and swimming. Be sure to work out with a partner to avoid injuries. On your "rest days," aim to take a 20 minute walk for your heart health and relaxation.

- Talk to your doctor. If you notice side effects, write them down and don't hesitate to ask your doctor. They could be far more important than you may realize.

- Also, if you are unsatisfied with the heavy amount of medication you are on, let your doctor know that too. Sometimes lowering a dose by a pill wont affect successful treatment. There are also other treatment options such as a VNS (Vagus Nerve Stimulator), the Ketogenic diet or Atkins diet, a Gluten-free diet, or brain surgery.

- Avoid any unnecessary medications. Try chicken soup instead of loading yourself on cough syrup this winter. Use peppermint oil and lavendar oil on your temples when you have one of thise small headaches that will probably go away anyway... Instead of taking that Excedrin. Does your stomach hurt? Drink some organic aloe vera juice and cold water with a drop of peppermint oil. You get the point.

So folks - be aware! Medication is dangerous if you don't maintain your body while you take it. Follow these steps and you'll feel so much better. Here's that delicious recipe I promised! God bless and stay tuned for the acne article coming this Saturday along with TONS and TONS of giveaways every day this month on Twitter, the Facebook page, and right here on the blog! WIN FREE Epilepsy Alert bracelets along with memberships for free medical information storage, plus gift cards to some great stores and restaurants!

EpilepsyBlogger's Delicious Purple Detox Shake Recipe


*12 ounces organic Acai Juice

*6 ounces organic almond, soy, or regular milk. (If your seizures are sensitive to soy, avoid also the almond milk and use regular whole milk.)

*1 cup frozen wild blueberries

*1 banana (chop and freeze an hour in advance)

*1/2 cup frozen raspberries

*1 Tbsp Whole Ground Flaxseed Meal

*1 cup coconut water ice cubes (You can save the rest of the coconut if you bought it fresh and throw a few chunks in for fiber)

*1/2 cup chopped Kale leaves

*1/2 cup barley grass

*1/2 cup baby spinach leaves

*1/2 tsp apple cider vinegar (MAKE SURE TO ADD THIS!)

*1-3 dashes cayenne powder (Or more if you like things spicy. 3 dashe gives a fantastic kick, but it wont burn your tongue. You'll love it!)

Yield Two Servings

It's best to prepare the night before by heading to the grocery store, purchasing ingredients and freezing what needs to be frozen. Blend until smooth and drink up! Leftovers can be poured into an ice cube tray and blended again the next morning, saved for lunch, or shared with a loved one.

Sassy Water ( All-natural detox drinking water that tastes awesome!)


2 lemons
1/2 cucumber
10-12 mint leaves
3 quarts water

Prep Time: 5 minutes
Chill Time: Overnight or 8 hours (Allowing mixture to chill and fuse in a closed container creates a natural detox.)
Yields: 10-12 glasses

NOTE: Do NOT replace meals with this water.


  1. Love the blog! I was diagnosed with juvenile myoclonic epilepsy at 13. After years, the medication became less effective and I decided to come off of it and lower my seizures naturally. I blog about my experiences at

  2. Love your ideas. Aloe Vera juice seems to affect my JME negatively. Is this even possible do you think?


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